People who are active military personnel can access special auto insurance rates, and people who are retired active military members can also get discounts on automobile insurance. Many companies offer automobile insurance to military members, and some of them even put military personnel in a lower risk category overall. There are many reasons where military personnel might need special auto insurance policies due to situations that can change from one month to the next.
When a veteran is deployed, they may spend some time out of the country. If they do not take their car with them, their car may spend that entire time not being driven. Why pay full price for automobile insurance on a vehicle that is not being used? Some auto insurance providers allow active-duty personnel to pause their auto insurance while they are deployed. Other companies provide coverage for a vehicle if it is moved overseas by military personnel. The first step is to evaluate your potential needs as a military member. Once you have done that, you are ready to compare policies and rates from the companies listed on this site.
What Is Veterans Auto Insurance?
Veteran's auto insurance is insurance that is specifically designed for military personnel. Some major auto insurance companies do offer basic discounts on car insurance, but other veteran-friendly options sometimes have more flexibility. The USAA is an auto insurance provider that offers policies to only active and retired military members and their families. Offering some of the best car insurance prices in the country to people who qualify for membership, they can be an excellent option for military personnel. Not only do they offer excellent rates to start, but you can also get additional discounts when parking your vehicle on a military base or if it is in a secure location while you are deployed.
Discount Veterans Auto Insurance
Discounts are also available for people looking to purchase automobile insurance policies. Many people choose to get car insurance plans through the VFW and other insurance plans. Other major car insurance providers also offer discounts for veterans, and depending on where you live and what your situation is, different companies can offer the lowest cost car insurance option for you. Insurance through VFW is through a third-party company called 21st Century Insurance.
How Much Will You Save?
Always keep in mind that there are several benefits outside of costs that can be impactful to you as a veteran. The flexibility that a policy has in terms of changing coverage if you are deployed or move on to a military base is important to consider. That said, many automobile insurance companies offer discounts between five and 15% on car insurance for members of the military.
More important than that is the initial pricing of the policy. A more considerable discount might not have as much impact as being placed into a lower risk class. There are automobile insurance carriers that place veteran drivers into a lower risk class. This is because veteran drivers are less likely to engage in risky behaviors. Car insurance companies utilize statistics to determine rates. The discounts that veterans often get are not due to auto insurance providers being friendly, but rather finding that veterans are lower risk drivers statistically speaking. Getting free quotes on auto insurance plans from several different companies can be done quickly and efficiently on this website. Get the top car insurance rates available, and perks that will benefit you today.